I’m New
When: Our Sunday gathering begins at 10:30 a.m.
Where: 1410 Old Brook Rd., Charlottesville, VA 22901 (corner of Rio East and Old Brook Rd.)
How long is the service, and what kind of sermons do you preach?
Our services are approximately 90 minutes long. About 35-40 minutes of that time is taken up by the sermon. We value expository preaching, which simply means the point of any particular text is the point of the sermon. We have an unwavering commitment to preaching what we find in the Bible and we usually do this by preaching through books of the Bible. God has chosen to reveal Himself to His people through His Word, so we want to make sure people are hearing it!
What should I wear?
We are much more concerned about what’s going on inside a person than what is worn on the outside. Just come as you are.
What is the music like?
Our music mixes some classic hymns and newer worship music. We understand that music is a preference issue. Some like it loud and new; some like it soft and old; others like a mix. Although our music can't cater to everyone, we make sure the lyrics we sing, no matter the style, honor Christ.
What about my kids?
Your kids are very important to us. You can be confident that we do everything we can to ensure your child is safe and well cared for while at CrossLife.
We have a nursery and preschool class during the 10:30 service for children through age 5. Children 6 years old through third grade can attend Children’s Church which takes place during the sermon and the remainder of our gathering. Children are dismissed just prior to the sermon.We do love for families to worship together, so feel free to keep your children with you during the main service (we can deal with a little noise!).
Will I be asked to give money?
We have an offering box at the back of our auditorium. However, you are in no way obligated to give. If you want to call CrossLife your church home, then we believe giving financially to God and His church is the right thing to do as part of the family.
What is the overall environment like?
We are definitely a friendly bunch here at CrossLife. We strive to make you feel welcome. We understand that going to any place new can be uncomfortable, and that's why we try very hard to help you feel at home while you're with us.
Are you part of a denomination?
CrossLife Community Church is an independent non-denominational church. You can read more about what we believe here and here.
Come Join Us This Sunday!
We begin at 10:30 a.m.